Well, this is my first post and I’m nervous and excited at the same time. I’m a software developer–I know, there are tons of software development blogs out there–and I wanted to start writing about what I do and start working on a non-work project. I want to showcase how I think about software, put my mistakes out there for everyone to make fun of and learn from. Along the way, I hope that I learn a lot about my craft, about building better software, and give you, dear reader, an idea of how I think about software.

There will probably be some personal posts sprinkled in the mix but I primarily set this up so that I could push forward with creating a project called “The Backyard”. I’ll get to more of what that is in a future post. It is an idea I’ve had for a long time, some of it already exists out in the wild, but I want to approach it as a green-field development project.

So, where do we go from here? Well, first I have to get my machine setup for development since I let all my licenses expire. As I’m typing this VS 2017 RC3 is installing on my box. Wish me luck!

As I use more tools and software, I’ll either list them in the “resources” drop-down at the top, or create a page that has links to all the resources I’m using to push this project forward.

Thanks for stopping by!
